Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Boppy Nursing Pillow with Slipcover, Lots of Dots

 Boppy Protective Water-Resistant Slipcover
 Boppy 2 Sided Signature Slipcover, Blue Soft Stripe
Boppy 5-in-1 Fun

Mommy's Review- This is by far a must-have for any new Mom. I bottle-fed; so, I was not sure this was a necessity. I was wrong. Damon will sit in this all the time, happy as can be. He will sleep in it. It also gives him the opportunity to be close to me and my husband without being on us. You can buy many different covers, including waterproof ones. The covers are easy to wash. You can position the baby in so many different ways. It also is great for Tummy Time if you do not use the mat. Aside from them, it is also pretty comfy for Mom and Dad too.They also make one that has an activity center attached (link above).
Baby's Review- This is my favorite thing to lay on. I like to sit between Mommy and Daddy and watch TV with them. Mommy changes the positioning so I may sit up or down.

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