Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Swim Diapers.....Worth it or wasteful?

These are definitely WORTH IT!!!  Regular diapers swell up horribly. You also don't want your little one to go in the water with nothing. These do not swell. The sides rip easily when baby does need a change. They hold everything in wonderfully. They also make reusable ones, but I would really go with the disposible ones. I highly highly recommend these if your little one is going in the water.

For those who prefer Huggies:

For those who prefer Pampers:


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fisher Price Deluxe Rock n' Play Lightweight Sleeper - A great alternative to a play yard

This is an AMAZING alternative to a full sized play yard. Do not get me wrong, with one kid and no toy boxes or anything else lying around, the huge play yard was great. However, my sister-in-law had this for her child, and I fell in love with it. My four month old even fit in it. 

I recommended it to another friend who loves it as well. It is extremely easy to transport. If your child has re-flux, it allows them to sit up. When I do have another, I will probably get this one because I no longer have room for my full sized play yard with all of my son's toys and gadgets around the house. Also, at the price.....who can beat this!!!

UPDATED:Babee Tenda Feeding Table

UPDATE: I currently have the Babee Tenda Feeding Table. I have to say I LOVE IT!!!! It is very very easy to clean. It is a little large, approximately 2 ft x 2 ft. It is extremely secure, and Damon (now almost 4) is completely unable to flip it. This made me feel much more secure when my newer little one Ryan came home. Also, I was able to fit Ryan in this by about 2-3 months. He enjoyed it because he was in the middle of everything. There are also a lot of different attachments for a swing, bath, etc....though I will admit, much like vacuum cleaners, I do not use them. I strongly recommend this one! It is a great alternative to a high chair and multiple other baby seats.

Original Post: The Babee Tenda feeding table was a really interesting product to see. It is all hardwood and formica. I was invited to a baby safety seminar, and this was one of the products. It was significantly more expensive there than the link posted above. If you want a durable and safe item for your baby, this is it! It reclines; so, your baby can sleep in it. I did not get it for my first, but I do plan on getting it when I have more. I think it will be a great addition because it is nearly impossible to flip. The top is removable for cleaning. The only complaints I have heard is the price; which is now solved since amazon sells it for $200 cheaper than the independent vendors do. I highly recommend this product!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What to Give an Infant with a Cold

I am starting with this.....please check with your doctor before using any of this. When Damon had a cold, I was at a loss at what to give him. He did not have a fever (so no Baby Tylenol). He had a stuffy nose and a cough. After talking to my doctor and a pharmacist, I found what generally helped to ease his symptoms.

1. Humidifier and Vicks: This will help him breathe easier. I even use this for myself now. I attached one.

2. Baby Rub: This never fails to crack Daddy up (he associates it with pork rub, steak rub, etc.) It is a baby safe Vicks vapor rub. Damon LOVES this. He gets excited when I take the jar out. It really only temporarily alleviates symptoms, but it works well. 

3. Saline Nasal Spray: This works well with clearing the sinus passages and helping with a stuffy nose. After using this, my sons congestion went away quickly. 

4. Johnson and Johnson Soothing Vapor Bath: I have not used this one myself, but I have heard it is very good. It helps get baby to sleep easier when they are not feeling so good. I use all other Johnson and Johnson products; so, I cannot imagine this is bad. 

Pampers versus Huggies (a Battle of the Diapers)

              Pampers versus Huggies...........the age old question mothers have been asking since the start of both companies. For Damon, I have tried both. If you ask me, there are pluses and minuses to both. It really depends on what you want as a parent. 


(+) These diapers are very soft. Very nice and probably very comfortable for the baby. They also mask the smell of urine     a little bit more than the Huggies. 
(-) These diapers get very squishy when wet. I have noticed that they are more prone to leaks. They will also occasionally explode (meaning those beads on the inside will come out)----- GROSS! Their tabs also stick to everything. 


(+) I have found these to have fewer leaks and do not explode. They are not super squishy when wet. I also prefer the Disney theme designs as opposed to the Sesame street ones on Pampers. I also prefer the tabs on these (they don't stick to everything else).
(-) Moms that don't use Huggies generally complain they are not soft enough. The other complaint I have heard is you can usually smell when your baby goes #1. 

The decision is really up to you, and you probably will not know until you use one. I have just shared my personal experiences with each to help those who may be stressing over this. Also, to reduce costs, I suggest signing up for Amazon's monthly delivery. It really knocks off 1/3 of the price. 

Choosing Childcare for Your Baby

          While this site is normally dedicated to giving you reviews on different items, I feel I need to help everyone with one major thing: choosing day care for your child. Picking the right childcare can be more stressful than anything you may ever have to do.You do have quite a few options out there. Fortunately, I have had a good bit of experience with all of them.

Option #1: Traditional Preschool or Daycare Facility:
                   This one is a tough one. I worked in preschools for quite a while all over the place from very expensive ones to very cheap ones. While in some cases, you get what you pay for.....this is not exactly true in most circumstances. Like most schools, it is all about the good teachers. I have been in schools where their preschool classes may be wonderful, but their infant center is not and vice versa. My advice would be to go with your instinct on this. Be sure to tour. If they give you references check them out. Mainly, see how you feel about your child's potential teacher. If you like them and think they are good with kids, GREAT. If not, keep looking. Also, be aware of the facilities and your child's needs. If there are a lot of swings and your child is relatively complacent like Damon was, you will not want to choose that facility because your child will probably be stuck in that swing.

Option #2: Montessori Preschool or Daycare Facility:
                   Montessori seems like a wonderful idea to many parents; however, there are a few things you need to be aware of. I have relatives that work in Montessori schools as well as went to one myself; so, I am very aware of what these schools are like. These schools allow children to be independent. I was a shy child; so, this was not beneficial to me. The ratios are lower. Your child will get personalized a price (these schools tend to be very expensive). However, if you are at all concerned about discipline problems, these are not the schools for you. Elementary educators I know have complained regularly that these children have serious problems entering public education systems. These students can't adjust to simple schedules like public schools have. This can sometimes lead to them being held back in kindergarten. If you plan on keeping your kids in Montessori their whole life though.....then this is a great choice for you. I personally am not a huge fan of this philosophy, but that is just me.

Option #3: Home Daycare:
                Damon currently goes to one of these part time. There are benefits and draw backs. It offers similar facilities to that of a preschool usually, but not near as nice. They are generally in a smaller room and usually do not get time outside or at least too much (for safety purposes). They are a little cheaper than traditional daycares, and you do have a more personalized relationship with who is watching your kid. Ratios are relatively low. BE SURE they are licensed!!! Once again, go with your gut on the provider as well. You will know which one is meant for your kid.

Option #4: Babysitter:
               This is one of the more expensive options, unless you are very lucky. Your child will get one on one personal attention (assuming you choose a good babysitter). The downside is that your child will not get to socialize. I am also a little weird about having people in my home. If you have pets though, this will also keep them company. However, if you have more than one child, this is a very good option. It may also involve a more involved and stressful selection process since you really have to trust this person and they have not been cleared by any institution. My suggestion would be to check references and maybe use something like

*****BEST KEPT SECRET Option #5: Public School Facilities:
               I only found out about these after I started working in the high schools. Many high schools have early childhood programs for their students. This means they run a daycare in the school. Ratio-wise this means one or two adults in the room and one or two high school students per child. To top it off tuition for the year is around what it usually costs for a week anywhere else (due to Federal funding). I have looked into the curriculum, and these schools go above and beyond to ensure your child is ready for kindergarten. Sounds too good to be true......well there are some catches. You usually have to get on a waiting list. They usually don't take any children under 3, and the one by me offers half day (unless there is space for full day). However, paying for half day childcare elsewhere will still be significantly cheaper. This is what I plan to do when Damon is three.

Well, I hope all of this was helpful. Childcare shopping stressed me out, and I kind of knew what I was looking for. I thought this may help people who were as lost as I was.....Good luck and if you have experiences you would like to share, please comment!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Best Baby Toys for around 12 months

          So now that Damon is almost a year, toys have become VERY VERY integral to keeping him happy. Since people seem to like the lists that I generally do with some types of baby items, I decided to compile another one. Believe me, most of these WILL NOT break the bank. I have found the more expensive the toys I buy, the less interested my son seems in them.  Hope this is helpful!!!

5. Baby Laptops: I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous, but my son prefers to think of himself as a little adult instead of a baby. He wants to eat what Mommy and Daddy eat. He wants to drink what Mommy and Daddy drink (which can be problematic when he makes a play for the wine). Most of all, he wants to do everything Mommy and Daddy do. Since Daddy is in management and Mommy is a teacher, that means both of us spend a fair amount of time on the computer (as I am sure many of you do).  He wanted to type on ours which simply resulted in closed out webpages and missing keys. I definitely recommend getting one of these. Damon was a little more finicky, and we had to find one that looks like a real laptop.

4. Activity Table: This has been wonderful so far! Damon can even sit next to it and play with it when he feels a little lazier. There is so much to do! Also, the one I got (the first one listed) flips over and becomes a coloring table when your child is a little older.

3. Walk and Ride: These things are also great. Babies can ride on these and push themselves along with their feet. When they are more comfortable walking or cruising, you can stand it up for them to push. Damon loves this. There are a ton of little gadgets on it for him to play with as well. From a mom's perspective, it is VERY EASY to change from the riding or walking position (a little switch on the bottom). So far, he has not been able to switch it by himself which is nice for safety reasons. It also is not too pricey which is nice as well.

2. I know this is really simple, but I have found that one of my sons favorite toys as a crawler that provides hours of entertainment is a simple BALL. While he is crawling, he will push it around the floor and chase it all over the house. He can do this all day and not tire of it (with the exception of when he's hungry or needs a nap). I have found certain ones more appealing texturally, but overall, he loves them all! The first one I listed is very similar to his favorite, just a little smaller than his.

1. Mega Bloks: These things are AMAZING. They are essentially giant legos. It is only $13-$20 for a ton of them. Damon plays with these all the time. He crawls around with them, bangs them together, and will eventually try to build something with them. Some of our good friends got these for their daughter as well. She is now 2 and still plays with them constantly. This is a great investment in a toy because it is hardly an investment at all. To top it off, they make more and more toys that go with it including trucks, boats, etc. for when your child gets a little older. A MUST HAVE.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Can't Sleep While Pregnant???

When I was pregnant, I had the hardest time sleeping as early as the 2nd trimester. I always thought it seemed rather cruel that once your child is born you do not get any sleep; so, why can't you get any while you' re pregnant?? Well I found the solution!!!

This pregnancy pillow relieved all back pain. It was very comfortable. It was nice and soft. It also kept its shape all pregnancy and beyond It stayed cool and helped me sleep much sounder!! My husband even tried to use it (but I always took it back). I actually still use this pillow occasionally or if my husband leaves early for work and I want to cuddle with something. Definitely recommend it to anyone pregnant or not!!!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

UPDATED: Enfamil Stage 2 Formula


As a mother who swears by Enfamil, I was very excited to get an email from Enfamil claiming that the age recommendation for stage 2 formula is being changed from 1 yr + to 9 months+. For the record, the 2 pack boxes are at least $10 cheaper than the regular infant formula. While the two packs I have only been able to find on, you can find the canisters at your local grocery store. I attached the link below for anyone who wants to see it. As far as what my boys thought....well Damon loved it, and it did help him transition to milk. Ryan did not like it as much and was on it for a much shorter time; however, he also did not have issues transitioning to milk.

UPDATED: Carseats Recommendations (A look at 4 years and 12 months)

Sorry it has been awhile guys..... I have been very busy lately. My son is now 10 months old, and since the car seats page has been the most popular, I feel my more recent experiences with car seats would be useful. So, we sadly had to part with the infant car seat/ carrier because a little boy is not quite so little anymore. We currently have two different car seats. Both are made by Safety 1st (they seem to top a lot of charts on safety). 

Car Seat #1:

The first one we got was the Safety 1st Complete Air 65 SE Protect Convertible Car Seat. This is great on support. It is also very easy to install (according to Daddy AND MOMMY! ). There are a few setbacks with this one. The padding almost makes it uncomfortable for my son since he sits so far up. When he falls asleep, he's usually slumped over. I have tried different things for his head, but that just seems to get worse. This car seat is also very  pricey (over $175). We got this as a shower gift; so, it was not a problem, but it could potentially be for anyone buying their own. 

Car Seat #2:

The second car seat we got was for my husband's car (he rarely rides in this one). We purchased this one - similar to above; so, I did not want to spend as much as the other seat cost. After a good bit of shopping and research, we decided to go with the Safety 1st OnSide Air Protect Convertible Car Seat, Bedrock Black. At first, I was concerned that this car seat would be uncomfortable. This does not seem to be a problem. In fact, my son likes it more because he can see better, and he is not sitting so far forward. It is also a good bit cheaper, which is nice. I also learned right before purchasing this that all car seats in the US meet the proper safety regulations....a lot of the extra stuff is for the look more than anything. While I am not suggesting putting your child in the cheapest car seat, it gives me peace of mind to know I can be safe without spending an arm and a leg. The only downside to this car seat is it is a little harder to install (hooks instead of seat belt buckles). I would definitely recommend this car seat. 

BOOSTER #1: Evenflo Big Kid AMP Booster Seat

This has been great. It still is somewhat like a car seat, minus the head support. Damon loves it and feels like a big boy. It definitely made the transition easier especially since his little brother got the old car seat.