Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Best Baby Toys for around 12 months

          So now that Damon is almost a year, toys have become VERY VERY integral to keeping him happy. Since people seem to like the lists that I generally do with some types of baby items, I decided to compile another one. Believe me, most of these WILL NOT break the bank. I have found the more expensive the toys I buy, the less interested my son seems in them.  Hope this is helpful!!!

5. Baby Laptops: Okay.......so I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous, but my son prefers to think of himself as a little adult instead of a baby. He wants to eat what Mommy and Daddy eat. He wants to drink what Mommy and Daddy drink (which can be problematic when he makes a play for the wine). Most of all, he wants to do everything Mommy and Daddy do. Since Daddy is in management and Mommy is a teacher, that means both of us spend a fair amount of time on the computer (as I am sure many of you do).  He wanted to type on ours which simply resulted in closed out webpages and missing keys. I definitely recommend getting one of these. Damon was a little more finicky, and we had to find one that looks like a real laptop.

4. Activity Table: This has been wonderful so far! Damon can even sit next to it and play with it when he feels a little lazier. There is so much to do! Also, the one I got (the first one listed) flips over and becomes a coloring table when your child is a little older.

3. Walk and Ride: These things are also great. Babies can ride on these and push themselves along with their feet. When they are more comfortable walking or cruising, you can stand it up for them to push. Damon loves this. There are a ton of little gadgets on it for him to play with as well. From a mom's perspective, it is VERY EASY to change from the riding or walking position (a little switch on the bottom). So far, he has not been able to switch it by himself which is nice for safety reasons. It also is not too pricey which is nice as well.

2. Okay......so I know this is really simple, but I have found that one of my sons favorite toys as a crawler that provides hours of entertainment is a simple BALL. While he is crawling, he will push it around the floor and chase it all over the house. He can do this all day and not tire of it (with the exception of when he's hungry or needs a nap). I have found certain ones more appealing texturally, but overall, he loves them all! The first one I listed is very similar to his favorite, just a little smaller than his.

1. Mega Bloks: These things are AMAZING. They are essentially giant legos. It is only $13-$20 for a ton of them. Damon plays with these all the time. He crawls around with them, bangs them together, and will eventually try to build something with them. Some of our good friends got these for their daughter as well. She is now 2 and still plays with them constantly. This is a great investment in a toy because it is hardly an investment at all. To top it off, they make more and more toys that go with it including trucks, boats, etc. for when your child gets a little older. A MUST HAVE.

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